Photo: from left to right: Maud Medves (Hcéres) and Solange Pisarz (CTI)
At the meeting of the Bologna Process Peer Group on Quality Assurance on 18th and 19th May 2022 in Leuven, Belgium, Solange Pisarz, Deputy Executive Director of the CTI, and Maud Medves, Project Manager in the Europe and International Directorate at Hcéres, represented France.
The work programme for the next two years was presented:
- 3 Peer Learning activities (PLA), organised by EQAR. The first of these activities is to take place on 1st September 2022 on the ESG, the second on cross-border quality assurance (March 2023) and the third on the European Approach (September 2023);
- Renewal of the cross-border mobility programme: countries wishing to do so can host or send delegations to agencies or ministries in other countries participating in this initiative;
- 3 thematic working groups have been set up: Micro-certifications, Quality Assurance for European Universities and Digitalisation of Quality Assurance Processes.
Other initiatives were also presented:
- The SEQA ESG2 project, coordinated by ENQA, which aims to support partner agencies in their alignment with the ESG (Albania, Czech Republic, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Slovakia);
- The QA FIT project, which should provide an overview of internal and external quality assurance in a number of partner countries;
- The role of ESU (European Student Union) in strengthening the role of students in evaluation procedures and facilitating the contact between agencies and students (in particular via a system of agreements and an agency/ESU database).
It is important for France to continue to be represented in this work, in order to put forward the French position and benefit from exchanges of experience with partner countries. The CTI will continue its commitment and involvement in this area.